Do you want to start a company that uses Web3? Would you like to know what kinds of businesses are feasible? Learn how to use decentralized autonomous organizations, tokens, or NFTs to attract clients to your firm by exploring examples of Web3 business models.

What Web3 Allows Business Models to Do

Ownership and interoperability are two crucial business-related tasks that Web3 unlocks.

Joint Ownership

  • You don’t truly own anything in Web2, the internet version that most people are familiar with.
  • Everything is connected to your business.
  • Your data, followers, content, and other items are kept on a server managed by a cecentralized organisation like Facebook.
  • Ownership of these assets can be controlled via a fungible or non-fungible token in Web3.
  • In the Web2 environment, there are no incentives for your audience or customers to assist you in any way beyond their transaction with you.
  • Because there is no method to give them ownership of the stuff they contribute to.
  • Even if they pay for your content, they are unlikely to help you construct something bigger.
  • When you tokenize your company, you can use a DAO and an NFT to distribute profits to a worldwide clientele.
  • More than static jpegs, tokens are much more.
  • Suddenly, you have a method for transforming audience members or members of a passive community into active collaborators.
  • They can claim ownership of the things you develop together.
  • Additionally, utility isn’t restricted to monetary rewards because tokens can be programmed and utilized.
  • They can be utilized to allow their owners to vote and exercise government authority.

Interoperability Across Channels

  •  Web2 methods and platforms you use to communicate with your audience can be very challenging to provide a positive expeutilize
  • Let’s say you utilise Substack to distribute a paid newsletter.
  • You want to assemble and interact with that audience in a private Discord or Zoom group.
  • That can occur if an API is in place to verify that someone is paying for your material on Substack.
  • And is subsequently given access to your Discord.
  • It’s a labor- and money-intensive procedure with many obstacles, and it’s not always successful.
  • Web3 simplifies and grounds that procedure.
  • When you link your digital wallet to a platform or application, you provide that entity read access to the assets you have in your wallet.
  • Ownership of a token or NFT is instantly confirmed.
  • The platform or app effectively says, “Oh, you have X token which means you get to see this content in this app.
  • Or you get to conduct this activity, or you get to enter this event.

Before You Launch a Web3 Business, Consider The Following

You must take three factors into account before starting a Web3-based business.

1. What Issue Will You Address With Web3 Business?

Whether or not your company is built on the blockchain, if you don’t offer a genuine product or service that addresses a need for people, your company won’t be viable in the long run. For something that will make someone’s life better or make something for them more accessible, you need product/market fit.

2. How Will You Attract a Following?

Currently, producing content and sharing it on social media is the best way to grow your audience because it is free and may bring hundreds or even millions of new customers to your company. Whatever you plan to accomplish on Web3, you still need to draw in customers who are prepared to make purchases when you go live. Again, creating content is the key to reaching that audience.

You may grow your audience by providing them with information via a newsletter, podcast, etc.. Unfortunately, despite your attempts to communicate with them, they cannot do so. You can talk to people, and they can talk to each other in a community.

3. How Are You Going to Build a Strong Community Out of Your Audience?

You want people who purchase your NFT to keep it so that their token’s value will rise due to scarcity. By forming a community out of your audience.  You can make sure those customers who genuinely support your venture and want to be a part of it stick around.They hang onto the token that grants them ownership interest.


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